Analyze Reports
Use data to improve process
Audit, compliance, and traceability reports are available in multiple formats to help you make key decisions.
Use data to improve process
Custom Dashboards
Our team will help get you the reports you need onto a custom dashboard.
Failed Responses
See who, what, and when a failed response from your quality and safety audits are performed to take immediate action.
Analytics Dashboard
Auto generated reports help answer your most pressing questions during daily operations.
Traceability Reports
Keep a pulse on all activity from your procurement to production process to ensure quality.
Custom Dashboards

Pareto Charts. Prioritize your biggest quality defects and observe your most impactful improvements over time.

Statistical Process Control Charts. Study how your processes in quality and safety improve over time as you introduce new forms and change existing processes for the better.

+ Bar Charts, Line Charts, and More. Add, resize, and rearrange any chart or report on your dashboard to best fit your operational needs.

Custom Dashboards
Failed Responses

Who Identified the failure? See who it was that logged a failed response on your quality and safety forms.

What was the failure? See exactly what failed right on your dashboard from the audit or checklist.

When was the failure found? See the time and date the failed response was captured and if corrective action was taken.

Failed Responses
Analytics Dashboard

Where are most of your issues coming from? Identify where issues are most common to help improve processes, avoid recurrence, and resolve them quickly.

Are my workers completing inspections on time? See how many inspections have been started, worked on, or completed over any period of time.

Are my corrective actions getting completed? Get a pulse on your worker's ability to follow up and complete their assigned action items.

Analytics Dashboard
Traceability Reports

Reference data with Admin Keys. Add custom admin keys to any form field to reference your data for traceability report.

Identify affected parts for quality. When a defect is identified you can quickly run a trace-and-trace report to identify all your past affected parts or orders.

Export and share results. Export the results into a .CSV list to share with your team.

Traceability Reports
More Features
WorkClouts features help solve all your unique problems all industries.
illustration of person performing an inspection using a tablet on WorkClout.
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