Track Incidents
Track incidents using images & videos
Collaborate with team members to resolve issues and take preventive action.
Track incidents using images & videos
Issue Tags
Create custom issues tags or use default tags to specify issue types.
Resolve Issues
Collaborate with team members to resolve issues.
Issue Escalation
Escalate issues to make it easier to focus on the most important ones.
Issue Tags

Quickly log issues. Accurately track issues in two easy clicks from any mobile device or tablet.

Report using tags. Get more defined reports using issues tags, for example, "how many safety issues were high severity this month?".

Issue Tags
Resolve Issues

Issue comments. Leave a comment with images and videos for context on any issues.

Resolve issues. Update the issue status to closed when the issue has been resolved.

Resolve Issues
Issue Escalation

Add issue priorities. Set an issue priority of high, medium, or low to give context on issue severity.

Team Notifications. Notifications are automatically sent to teams associated with the issue.

Issue Escalation
More Features
WorkClouts features help solve all your unique problems all industries.
illustration of person performing an inspection using a tablet on WorkClout.
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