New Feature: Follow trends using the new Analytics Dashboard
New Feature: Follow trends using the new Analytics Dashboard
Product Updates
New Feature: Follow trends using the new Analytics Dashboard
Follow trends in and ensure that your front-line operations remain productive using the new Analytics Dashboard!
May 21, 2020

Our new Analytics Dashboard brings a whole new form of visibility into your daily operations. We're introducing 3 new charts, each chart includes custom filters that give you a new way to follow your activity over time. Now you can keep track of your front-line workers and ensure that they are staying productive.

Each chart we're introducing helps answer a number of important questions as your operation team continues to use WorkClout. Let's ask these questions and see how the new Analytics Dashboard can help give you answers.

Line Chart - Tasks by Status

1. Are my tasks being completed on time?

2. How many tasks are still open, on hold, in-progress, in-review?

See how your entire operation team is doing with their tasks over time. Filter into each status to follow trends more closely over time.

Line Chart - Issues by Status

1. Are more issues being reported over time?

2. How many of these issues are being resolved?

Using this line chart, you can quickly see how issues are affecting your operations and if specific preventive measures you've implemented are decreasing the number of issues reported.

Bar Graph - Issues by Status

1. Which of my assets are seeing the most issues reported?

2. Where in my operations are most issues being resolved?

Get a clear picture of where issues are occurring within your production. Get better direction on where to focus efforts to improve SOP and implement preventive tasks. Decrease issues for specific assets over time.

Some other updates

With this update, we've also added a number of new custom form fields

  1. Selection Field - Allow users to select from a single option from a dropdown list
  2. Multi-Selection Field - Allow users to select one or more options from a dropdown list
  3. Single Line Field - Allow users to type a short response into a text field
  4. Multi-Line Field - Allow users to type in a longer description into a larger text field
  5. User Selection - Allow user to select a specific user from a dropdown list

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